The company VIN was founded in 1993, by Vladimir Kuzmanovski with the purpose of importing and distributing veterinary medicines, veterinary instruments and equipment for the needs of the veterinary stations, ambulances and farms. Since 1995, in the company starts working a Phd. in veterinary medicine – Snezana Gjorovikj Mitrova – as an associate.

After several years of operation and market research and the need for certain products in this area, VIN succeeded to provide and make agreements with several reputable manufacturers and their representation on the territory of Macedonia.

We would like to mention some of them: KRUUSE – Denmark ; ALLFLEX – France ; EICKEMEYER- Germany ; BIONOTE – Korea.

What VIN will always back, is promotion of new products, good quality of offered products, affordable prices and timely delivery.

For everything you need in the field of veterinary medicine, VIN employees are at your disposal and wish you many more successful years together.
